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Help Ideas Grow

Day 6 of the Bloganuary prompt is “Why do you write?” I was never a very strong reader growing up and am still in constant need of a good…

Making Time Stand Still

When I was young, my grandma used to take photos of me and my siblings and cousins with a Polaroid camera. I loved watching the image come slowly…

Face to face communication

Todays Bloganuary prompt is “What is a treasure that’s been lost?” There are so many analog skills that are being lost these days and the rate of that…

My Earliest Memory

Day 3 of the Bloganuary prompt is “What is the earliest memory you have?” My earliest memory is of playing outside with my older brother at our home in…

Fear vs. Risk

Today’s Bloganuary prompt is “How are you brave?“. When I read this prompt the first thing that came to my mind was something I learned from years of…


This year I am joining WordPress’s Bloganuary prompt. Today’s is… “What is something you want to achieve this year?“ That is the number of weeks in 1 year…

Good Morning Norikura Kogen

Christmas Snowstorm

It looks like we will be having a white Christmas. We got a huge dump of snow in the past 24 hours here in Norikura Kogen and woke…

Let the igloo building begin

We finally got some snow at our house and the kids made the most of it by getting to work on an igloo. They also found some ice…