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すもも荘の開放日、13時~17時まで開放しています。 4/19のイベントは、《手作りおやつとお茶会》「パンケーキ 豆腐クリーム添え」を作ります。🌼持ち物はエプロン、マスク🌼参加費(材料費) 300円/1人(お支払いは現金またはPayPay) おやつは15:00~作ります。※おやつの会に参加さ… 4/19(水)のすもも荘開放日

Good Morning Norikura Kogen

Christmas Snowstorm

It looks like we will be having a white Christmas. We got a huge dump of snow in the past 24 hours here in Norikura Kogen and woke…


I was invited to be on a Japanese TV show called “ワタシが日本に住む理由” (Why I live in Japan) this fall. The format usually consists of following a foreign national…

Building a rock retaining wall

The north side of the house was very dark, damp, and difficult to access. The solution is to build a rock wall about 1m tall to raise the…

Some big roots

As I started excavating and grading the land, I have come across some huge roots from trees that were cut down about 8-10 years ago. The machine is…

Green season = MTB

The weather was just right for a quick ride with my boy.

An Answer To Prayer

We started roasting coffee in 2018 to see if we could produce something here in Norikura Kogen that would benefit our community, the community it was grown in,…

Snow day

Some friends came to visit on Saturday afternoon and so we headed to Norikura Base for a little snow time. The big boys took some skis and a…