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すもも荘の開放日、13時~17時まで開放しています。 4/19のイベントは、《手作りおやつとお茶会》「パンケーキ 豆腐クリーム添え」を作ります。🌼持ち物はエプロン、マスク🌼参加費(材料費) 300円/1人(お支払いは現金またはPayPay) おやつは15:00~作ります。※おやつの会に参加さ… 4/19(水)のすもも荘開放日

Two Ways of Being Human


I sometimes find myself thinking that I don’t have time to read or exercise every day. I can get more focused on the approach than just doing the…

Almost 2m

When I was younger, like seven or eight I wanted to become a pilot. I dreamed of flying all the time and also loved making and flying paper…

Coffee & Scones

My wife loves to bake and cook and would probably sleep in the kitchen if she could. She loves to experiment with ingredients and it often looks more…

Love Your Enemies

This is not an easy command of Jesus.

Chimney Install Day

We planned to install a wood-burning stove in the cottage in December, but due to many factors, we could not get it in before the new year. The…

An Apprentice to Jesus

In high school, I met some people who took time out of their lives to share some amazing things with me. They were Young Life staff and they…


Day 9 of the Bloganuary prompt is “What is the most memorable gift you have received?”. I thought for a while about this prompt and eventually, I think the…

Ducks don’t like umbrellas

I am from Oregon and being from Oregon means you have to like rain. A lot. Oregon is an interesting state with a variety of climates from the…