The one-hit-wonder

The one-hit wonder is an inevitable byproduct of pop charts. The term is most prevalent in the music industry but can apply to other things or people.

Have you heard Chumbawamba? Or maybe I should ask if you have heard of Tubthumping because that was their one-hit-wonder?

Creating one-hit wonders probably keeps some people up at night but not me. I’m not interested one bit. 

I want to create many things that communicate awe and wonder. Things that move people to enjoy life more fully. To help people question or “wonder” about life.

When we work hard to create something that moves someone deep in the soul, it not only resonates with the audience but also with the creator. So don’t set your eyes on a goal so low as to become a one-hit-wonder. Set your eyes and your heart to work that will move people and cause them to question their very existence.

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