2006.01.27 A FUN NIGHT

Back again,
Tonight was lots of fun also because we got to go to dinner at another hotel called Raicho, but this was not just any dinner this was mochi. Mochi is made from steamed rice that we got to pounded with a huge mallet until it turns to the consistency of sticky Playdouh, it’s really fun. Then you eat until you want to pass out, then wait a few min, then eat some more until your jaw is about to fall off and you just can’t crew anymore. Take a look at the photos. It was a lot of fun to hang out with our neighbors and eat together. The hotel owner works with us from time to time when we have big groups that don’t all fit into our lodge and we have a good relationship with them. Please pray that we can have a strong witness to them through our service and partnership. Enjoy the photos.
In Him
摂 [ Seth ]

– pounding some rice –

– Mr. Raicho showing us how it’s done –

– watch-out –

– check out what his shirt says –

  1. I don’t know about that rice pounding biz-nis, but that one guys coat,,,yeah on the far left, the top pic…that is AMAZING!!!! I really want it. You are right about the whole neon colors being in over there. Boy oh boy,,,I gots ta get me one a those!!!! haha. Loves, Sarah

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