2006.01.13 A FEW WORDS

Hey Everyone,
Sorry it’s been a while since my last post. Things have been busy. So to get you up to speed, we had I think 5 back to back camps for about 10 days straight then we had a few days off to recover. The camps we super fun and we had some a great time hanging out with the guests. During the camps we had sever opportunities to share out faith. On Tuesday night we had our first NORTHSTAR adult English class and about 20 students come. Please pray for the English classes as this is one of the direct ministries. At the moment we have a camp here from Yokota Air Base, and they will stay here until Sunday. The group is super fun and tonight I got to share my testimony with them. Other staff will be sharing more through the camp so please keep praying. The kids are all military kids and most have lived all over the world.
I have more things to tell you but I am out of time, got to get to bed.
In Him
摂 [ Seth ]

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