HI Everyone,
I wanted to update you all on the haps about Gifu and the teaching positions that have been offered to Hannah and I. Last week Hannah and I went to Gifu City for 2 days to check out the Church we would be working with, the City we would be living in and the English teaching positions. We had an informal interview with the School district and they were very pleased to have 2 foreigners sitting in their office wanting to work for them. They offered me full time work in several local elementary schools and Hannah 2 days a week with the pre-schools in the area. Over and over we were reminded of how much God is pouring out His Blessing on the whole situation and are still so thankful of all that God is doing in our lives. We believe this is a direct answer to Prayer and God has opened all the doors. Please continue to pray for the Visa to go through and for the transition to be smooth from Nagano to Gifu. We will both be needing to buy cars, get Japanese drivers licenses, rent apartments, and many other small things that are required when moving and transitioning into a new ministry. As I transition out of being a supported TEAM missionary into being a self supported tentmaker missionary there will be many new challenges I know I will face. Please continue to Pray for wisdom and guidance.
Thank you for all your love and support
In Him
摂 [ Seth ]

– Gifu Station –

– A view from the hill –

– fake trees & snowmen –

  1. I’m so excited for you!!! That’s awesome about Gifu, and Hannah and the whole thing!! It’s rad!! And Hannah is so adorable!!! And Jordan gave you that coat didn’t he!!? He said he was going to. Sweet action yo!!! Lots of loves from good ol’ Oregon!!!

    Love, Sister #1

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