Hey Everyone,
I thought I would give you an update on how the Christmas party went and some photos. The party was a huge hit and we had more than 20 locals come out to play games, sing songs, and hear the Christmas story, most for the first time. This was the first of several local events we will host at NORTHSTAR this winter and we are super stoked with the turn out. Some of the guys even are interested in coming to our Thursday night Worship night at Dans house. Praise God.
In Him
摂 [ Seth ]

– the crew –

– Christmas songs –

– fun and games –

– human christmas tree –

  1. Brother,
    I want to go over to Japan so bad…I think Christmas is going to be slightly boring this year without you. I may end up going snowboarding,,,I dunno yet. OH SO SICK!! SHRED THE FRESHIES!! I haven’t been up in a while, so that would be fun for me. I love your new pics, it looks like you’re having fun over there. I hope you have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
    I love you!! Love, Sister One

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