Hey everyone, I have something cool to tell you about. Well it’s actually just an idea at the moment but it sounds good. I have made a decision to leave NORTHSTAR in April to pursue other ministry options in Japan. And last Saturday a cool option came up. There is a Church in Gifu [ about 5hrs away ] that is looking for 2 people who would be willing to teach english and help run their college coffee house ministry. They are asking if Hannah and I would be willing to come and work there starting in April. This would change our summer plans but I don’t know if that really matters. We would both be teaching English, working with College students, and studying Japanese. Please keep us in your prayers as we consider this possibility and our future in Japan.
Thanks for all your love and support
In Him

  1. G-rant Avatar

    God will show you your paths and this make your paths alot closer to the girl of your dreams. God is a Perfcet God who has so much in store for you and Hannah. Two paths can come close… Praise his name…

  2. akira Avatar

    Thats sounds cool!

  3. Seth, That would be such an amazing opportunity for you and Hannah. I hope God leads you there if it is His plan. Because it is so much better to just trust Him in everything than to worry. I know He’ll work it out for His glory when we put our hope and faith in His name alone!!

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