2005.12.10 BEST DAY EVER

This morning I woke to a crisp -5˚C with about 25cm of new snow. Then spent about 2 hrs clearing the NORTHSTAR drive before I could go riding. Dan and the boys picked me up about 10:30 and we headed up to Kyukamura which is mid mountain and is as far as you can drive now because there is so much snow. We started hiking there and after clearing the first ridge found ourselves in the path of a snow moving machine. We were kind of in the way and started going around them but the drive came over and started asking us where we were hiking to. I thought he was going to kick us off but instead he offered to drive us to the top. CRAZY, that kind of thing never happens to me. We got a ride up to about 1800m and then hiked another 200m or so before getting the first tracks of the season down Mt. Norikura. Today was by far the best snow I have had in years and I could not ask for a better way to start the snow season.
In Him
摂 [ Seth ]

– this is the only way to travel –

– first time riding on a snow cat –

– we did do a little hiking –

  1. shocks… pegs… snowcat…. LUCKY

  2. I want to come play in the snow with you!!! GOSH!!! Why do you have to get so much snow in Japan?? AHAHHAH!!!

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