2005.12.05 – 20 DAYS AND 19734 MILES

I am not joking about the 19734 miles either. I have been walking, biking, driving, bussing, and flying a lot in the past 3 weeks. The trip went like this
NORTHSTAR >> Nagoya Japan >> San Francisco CA >> Portland OR >> San Francisco CA >> New York NY >> Tokyo Japan >> Okinawa Japan >> Tokyo Japan >> NORTHSTAR. And between all that flying was a lot of good times. It was so nice to be with my family for Thanksgiving and to see friends that I have missed. There are a lot of photos to go with this trip and I will do my best to include them all. I have more photos to post but I will add them another time.
In Him
摂 [ Seth ]

– addie –

– my sis –

– bike ride –

– the syncline –

– the house is finished –

– the house is finished –

– dropping off the OCC gifts –

– the family –

– yes, there really are tree huggers in Oregon –

  1. akira Avatar

    Good pics.
    Happiness is handed down from these pics.

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