At the end of my trip I had the privilege of meeting most of Hannah’s emendate family and that’s pretty amazing because there is 10 of them. So I met Dad, Mom, sister Melissa, sister Naomi, brother John, and brother Stephan. The first night I stayed in a studio in the city near ground zero and the next 2 nights I stayed at Hannah’s parents home in up state NY. It was fun to finally meet everyone that I had heard so much about including her nieces and nephew. They were a lot of fun. Enjoy the photos.
In Him
摂 [ Seth ]

– John taking a photo of me taking a photo of him –

– down town –

– ground zero –

– this came from the wreckage –

– the cross –

– out for a walk –

– pizza with the fam –

– Stephan, Stephanie, Rachel, Christina, and I –

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