Fall is Here

The seasons change fast here and it definitely Fall now. The weather has been decent other than some rain every few days. The temperature is getting down to about 8˚C some nights and I think we should see snow by the end of the month. I will have to go take some photos of the trees before losing their leaves, it’s so beautiful here.

Work at NORTHSTAR has been keeping me busy. Planning for the winter events, designing new printed, web [ ridenorthstar.com ], and other material. This winter we want to start a thing we call a hospitality tent on the mountain. The idea is to set up a tent, serve hot drinks and snacks to snowboarders & skiers and invite them to come to hang out. Once a week we will give a short testimony and bible study that will be open to anyone. And once a month we will hold an informal competition for fun and fellowship.

  1. Lindsey Franger Avatar
    Lindsey Franger

    It’s getting really cold here too. Actually the sun has been shining everyday, but the wind is quite nippy.

    The hospitality tent idea sounds really nice. I would certainly stop on by!

  2. Leslie Pennington Avatar
    Leslie Pennington

    Hi, Seth,
    Leslie Pennington, here. Mission Mamas is finally meeting today and we will be praying for you and your specific needs. That is so exciting about your recent encounter with the Buddist high school guys. We’ll be praying for open hearts for them and for the message on Sunday. Your blog is great, so informative and interesting! Mission Mamas will probably change our name to “Global Women”. Will update you on that one. We love you.
    Leslie for Mission Mamas

  3. Hey Mamas,
    Thanks for the feedback and Prayers. It’s so cool to know that you Mamas are Praying for me so diligently. I am so Blessed through this.

    Thank you so much

    In Him
    摂 [ Seth ]

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