A Hard Goodbye

It has been two weeks now that Hannah and I have spent together, working, growing, and learning so much more about each other. I have loved every second of our time together and it was very hard to say goodbye. I am so thankful for all that God has given us and how wonderful our friendship is. Hannah and I both feel that there is no way either of us could ever have put all this together. Here are a few photos from our time together.

Please keep Hannah and me in your prayers as we seek to do what God has planned for us. Hannah got into the Japanese program in Okinawa and will start class in Oct. I will be back in Oregon for a visit Nov 16th ~ 30th and then in the spring, Lord willing Hannah and I will both come to Oregon in May.

– sanbondaki falls –
– fun at the beach –
– check it out –
– my Love –
– at the airport –
– goodbye for now –
  1. G-rant Avatar

    hey seth er I hope and pray that God will Lead you in all the right directions. It was great to get to hear from you the other day and it looks like the Lord has blessed you with a beautiful woman.

    GRANT gggrrrraaaannnttt(spoken like therese only could say)

    I am looking forward to seeing you next year.

    摂 [ Seth ]

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