Mountain Top

Well, it’s been a few days since my last blog post and I thought you may all want to know what’s been going on. So let me fill you in. The last week has been a busy one because this is Golden Week. Golden week is a Japanese holiday where everyone and their little toy dog goes on holiday even if they don’t have anywhere to go. So that means that wherever you go it’s busy. I spent 2 days in Tokyo at a marketplace ministry conference then came back to Norikura for another ministry conference that we were hosting at NORTHSTAR.

The conference at NORTHSTAR was all of Young Life Japan and some other youth ministries getting together to share what’s going on and how to better reach the youth of Japan. It was a great time of fellowship, networking, and learning. So once the conferences were out of the way we had a 2-day camp with about 15 guests which were fun. Then today we started a small back-country camp with just 2 guests and hiked to the top of Mt. Norikura. It’s about 3000m tall (about 10,000 feet). We hiked all morning and then snowboarded down in the afternoon, the snow was not bad for May and we were all stoked to be able to ride.
Well, that’s all for now, we are still super busy even in our slow season so please keep praying for us and the ministry that goes on there.

– health, spiritual & physical
– upcoming camps
– camp program development
– local ministry
– dan as he goes next week on sales trips
Thank you for all your love and support

– nice view –

– hiking Norikura –

– I can see my house from here –

– Randall and I –

– we made it –

– day hike –

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    you didn’t tell me you got to ride down…i should have guessed, i suppose.

    thanks for the lovely chat. i can’t even tell you how thrilled I am to see and hear how God is working in your life.

    mata ne-

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