Spring is Here

However, as it is written:
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.

The Bible 1 Corithans 2:9

Spring is upon us, time has been flying. It’s hard to believe I have been in Japan for almost 3 months now. Thank you all so much for all your prayer and support. Tomorrow we will start our first spring camp of the year. It is what we call a “green” camp because we are not in the snow anymore. The camp will focus mostly on outdoor games and activities like hiking, mountain biking, ropes course, and team-building games. I am excited about the change in pace and the change in weather.

God has been doing some really amazing things over the winter months and I am confident that He will continue to move in this area. Please pray that the spiritual strongholds would fall and the Japanese people would see the need to praise their heavenly Father who is so deserving.

– First day of teaching at Onagawa –
– 7th grader class –
  1. Anonymous Avatar

    7th grade…how perfect. Is it really as wonderful as it looks?

    I am praying for you. call me when you get the chance.


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