Home Stretch

We are down to the home stretch and we have just one week left before our yasumi (vacation) starts. At the moment we have a camp called 180 and they are from Matsumoto. Most of them are from Azumino Family Chapel. On Thursday we had our usual raihai (worship/prayer meeting) and invited our campers to join us. I shared my testimony for the first time in Japanese, actually, I shared my testimony and someone translated it into Japanese.

On Friday I worked as a lift attendant for the local ski resort which is an amazingly boring job but it was cool because I had some good conversations with some locals.

This Thursday we are hosting an event that we are calling a Thank You Party. It is basically a good excuse to invite a bunch of people to hang out and have a good time. We will serve a meal and have games, the N* rail park, snowboard movies, hang out time, and someone will give a short gospel message.

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