Norikura Onsen Village

Norikura Kogen became my home in 2005 after moving here to work as an outdoor instructor at a local outdoor school. A lot of things have changed since then – I met and married my wife, we had a few kids, we bought a house and then had a few more kids, I started a business, I often feel overwhelmed and at my limit but things always work out. 
There are a few things that have remained the same over all the years – I still feel compelled to encourage Japanese Christians to authentically follow Jesus and I still look for ways I can to serve my community with the skills God has given me. 

Last spring I was asked to lead a marketing project for the local onsen in our community. This was an exciting task for me as I have always wanted to learn more about our 3 local onsen and I love helping people and groups of people (communities) connect, communicate and collaborate. 

Landing page of the new Norikura Onsen Village homepage (Japanese only for now)

Although the site is all in Japanese I think you can still appreciate the design, photography, and flow of the site. I am proud of this work and so thankful for all the hard work that a good friend and fellow designer/copywriter Ayako Momiji (Mon Design) put into this project. The Japanese copy was written and arranged by her as well as the illustrations and logo design, the photography was done by me and the site design/UI/UX was a team effort. 

Info about Norikura Onsen Village:

– Norikura Onsen Village is a name given to represent the 3 unique onsen that serve the community in Norikura Kogen. 
– The onsen names are Norikura Kogen Onsen, Suzuran Onsen, and Azumi Norikura Onsen. 
– There are a total of 68 locations where you can enjoy an onsen in Norikura Kogen. 
– Most of the 68 locations are pensions, ryokans or hotels but there are 16 locations are open for day-use as well.

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