We are all looking for something

Compliance is good for productivity but that might not be what most people are looking for when it comes to uncovering a deeper meaning in life or in a workplace.

What most people are longing for is connection and belonging.

When you ask people to comply, it’s all about obligation. And obligating people to perform has a sure-fire way of producing nothing more than you ask for while at the same time expecting much less than they are capable of.

On the other hand, if you build trust with your team and set them up with a clear purpose that goes beyond themselves they by nature will add more value than they even understand.

At the end of the day, everyone is looking for the same thing, Love, acceptance, and something meaningful to give their talents to. Everyone wants to matter. And the good news is that everybody does matter. The best thing we can do is help people know they matter not because of that persons skills but because of that persons life.

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