A Quick Update

We just wanted to give a quick update about what has been happening and what’s coming up. This is our last week in the US. We have been here for over two months now and have had a great time with family and friends.

There were two reasons for the long trip, one was to see our families and introduce Ezekiel to everyone who had not met him. And two, to introduce our new ministry at NORTHSTAR to our friends and family. The reason for that was because we need as many people praying for us as we can get and we need to raise about half our salary. We ended up sharing about NORTHSTAR and our ministry in Japan with four different churches, and through those churches, we had contact with many people and gave out hundreds of prayer cards. It was a very productive time or support raising and we are still working to raise a little more financially.

We now have about 75% of our needed budget in place. 

Please Pray for

  • Safe travel as we return to Japan on the 26th  
  • A smooth transition into our new schedule and life in the mountains
  • The rest of our finances to come in
  • Open hearts as we share the gospel in Japan
  • The guests who visit our camp this summer, that they would see Jesus in us

And what good would a post be without a few photos? Here are two shots from the Air and Space Museum in Washington DC. We went there in May to visit with Hannah’s sister who actually works in the Smithsonian Museum of The Native American in DC.

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