Moving Forward

I have a few things to update you on. Overall, things are going well here at NORTHSTAR but there are a few things that I would like to ask you to pray about.
The schedule here goes like this, crazy all the time and insane the rest of the time. We are supposed to be in our slow season now but it has not been slow by anyone’s standards and I have not had time to even start on one of the many projects that need to happen this month. We all need to find time in our schedules to get projects finished before July otherwise we don’t have time to finish them.

This may not seem like all that much but that is just the things that I am responsible for, so please be praying for me and the rest of the staff because everyone has about the same amount of work to finish this month. The other thing I wanted to let you know about is that we have been working through finalizing job descriptions and trying to get more defined work hours. Through a series of meetings, we have come up with some new structure for how NORTHSTAR works. The structure has not been finalized yet but when it happens it will make all our jobs more clear. Please pray for all the staff at NORTHSTAR during this time of transition.

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