Reihai [ prayer / worship ]

Last night was our Thursday night raihai [ prayer / worship night ] meeting. We invited 3 locals including Kiyo who was there last week. Hiro and Naho were also there. We had a wonderful meal and time of worship together. It was the first time Naho and Hiro had ever been to anything like it and they all told us afterwards that they really enjoyed it. Yasuyo shared here testimony which was a very powerful tool with the locals. I think they were all very touched by the story of how she came to know Christ. On our way back home I asked them all what they thought about the night and they all said it was powerful. God is moving in Azumi and we at NORTHSTAR are all very blessed to be part of it. Please continue to pray for Japan, Nagano, Azumi, NORTHSTAR, and the people mentioned above.

– worship night –

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