Cool Stuff

[ I am sorry this update is so long but I feel this is something you would all want to hear. The photo is just for fun. ]
Things up here at NORTHSTAR have been going really good and there has been big things happening through our adult English program. It has been cool to build relationships with the local guys through this ministry and in the last week I was reminded why we are all really here. That is to see Japanese people hear the gospel and come to know the Father.
On Tuesday night we had our normal 30 or so adults form the area. We broke the into 2 groups, I took the conversation group and the rest worked on more basic prepositions and stuff with Randall. The format was simple, give them a topic and make them elaborate on that topic until they can’t say anything else about it. Towards the end of class one of the students raised the topic of why I came to Japan. Although that is not really a topic that everyone could participate in I used the time to share my testimony of being called to Japan and told them the reason why I came to Japan was to share Jesus with people like them. I was able to communicate the Gospel in English and that’s good but God also provided a way for them to hear the Gospel in Japanese. A local Christian girl name Yasuyo was in class that night and after I shared the gospel in English with them I turned it over to Yasuyo and she shared some of here testimony and communicated the gospel in Japanese. Yuko was also here visiting NORTHSTAR and another friend of here who comes regularly to the English classes. About an hour into our two and a half hour conversation, Yuko joined us and was able to share parts of here testimony and explain sin, the trinity, and salvation to Kiyo, Mayumi, and Hiro in Japanese. About the same time Yuko came into the class I went and told Ringo that he should start praying because some rad things were happening and I know the prayers were heard. I also had a tract with me that I had gotten when I first went to Okinawa. I don’t really know why I kept it but I gave it to Kiyo on Tuesday night and he read it out loud in Japanese to the others and they all were very interested in hearing more. The night rapped up about 10:40 or so and we prayed for those who had just heard the gospel that they would feel a call from God on there hearts and that satan would have no place with them.
On Wednesday I went up to visit the guys in kyukamura and see if Kiyo was going to come to dinner on Thursday. I stopped at the lifts first to say hey to Hiro, So, Sayaka, and some others and spoke with them for a few mins. When I was leaving I noticed that the tract I had given to Kiyo was in the lift shack and I thought it was funny because I knew that Kiyo had to have given it to them. When I went to talk to Kiyo he said that he had shared the tract with another friend of ours named Miho and then gave it to the guys at the lift to read. So Kiyo was actually doing evangelism with people who I have not even met yet. God is good and He is blessing this ministry.
– The people mentioned in this update
– The camp thats starts tonight
– Health for the staff [ almost everyone here has been sick in the last week ]
– Planning for an end of season outreach party

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    I just read this new update and it brought tears to my eyes. It is so good that Northstar is there and God is using all of you in so many ways. I will be praying for the people mentioned and also the staff. God Bless, Amy

  2. Holly Avatar

    Hey Seth man it looks like you are lovin it over there!!!!!!!! that is so awesome!!!!! i encourage you to eat as many wiered food (To americans)as poss!!! Keep livvin it up for Jesus!!
    Love Holly

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