NORTHSTAR staff & English class

It has been a crazy week. We had CCC (Campus Crusade for Christ) here this week and it was one of our biggest camps, I think over 80 guests. All our camps have been very successful and we have been getting lots of good feedback from our guests.

Tonight I helped teach my first English and it was so much fun. We teach 4 classes on Wednesday night starting with kindergarten and going through middle school. As you can see from the photo it’s a fun group of kids. Starting next week I will start teaching these classes by myself. I will also start teaching in one of the local schools every Tuesday.

There is so much going on here at NORTHSTAR it’s really hard to describe it all. But below is what a normal day looks like for me. So as you will see when we are on camp schedule we have very little time for anything extra. But fortunately, we don’t run like that for too long. Tomorrow is our day off and we will have a good day just hanging out down in Matsumoto city.

I hope this gives you all a better idea of what goes on here and what I have been so busy with. And don’t forget that through all the contact we have with our guests we are able to earn the right to be heard in order to share the saving grace of Christ.

7:30 AM wake up
8:00 AM breakfast
8:30 AM staff devotions / meeting
9:00 AM on the mountain
10:00 AM lessons
12:00 PM lunch
1:30 PM more lessons
3:30 PM ride with guests
4:00-4:30 PM back to NORTHSTAR with guests
6:00 PM dinner
7:00-? (depending on the camp we maybe up tell about 10:00-11:00 doing program)
10:00 PM bedtime (hopefully)

Kindergarten Class
  1. tfranger Avatar

    where’s your hair…

  2. manky Avatar

    WOW… *realizes [caps lock] was on*
    sounds like you’re as busy as ever!
    I’m so glad you have a nice hanlde on the photography and internet/blogging thing. allows me to vicariously particpate in your adventures much better.

    bless you and this great endeavor!

  3. Yeah where is your hair????

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    Are you joking me? This is only my second time looking at your posts…i think i’m going to cry because I’m not there. Thank you so much for trying to call. It came up on my missed calls as 000123456…weird, huh?

    Guess what? I got accepted to Hokkaido AND I got the full scholarship. Praise God!

    I want to talk to you. Next time you have a moment to breathe and some money, call me, okay? I will be sure to answer it no matter what’s going on.

  5. Holly Avatar

    Hey where is your hair??? Nice goggle tan!!! you guys have way more snow then we do LUCKY!!!!!! anyways i was just think-in of you and i thought i would say hi.
    Peace Out Tiger!

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