New Photos

Hi everyone, I have some photos for you all to see. I hope you enjoy them. Things here have been crazy busy but also crazy fun.

  • The new camp that starts today
  • Safety for the staff, some of which have some injuries
  • I start teaching English this week and am a bit nervous about that
  • Safe travel for all the campers to get here
  1. manky Avatar

    dude! thanks for the pix… can’t wait to see & hear more about this awesoem adventure you’re on!
    bless you

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    Hi Seth, Hi!
    Praying for ya! Great photos…makes me want to be there with ya! loving ya for san fran

  3. kimberly Avatar

    hey seth!
    *huggies* missing you!
    and your horrible faces… LOL
    God is THE man…er..GOd…:P
    All the way for him!
    thanks for commenting on my blog
    to mark as well. 🙂
    prayer requests are open for my prayers too…LOL

    kim out.

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