I made it to Japan!

Hi Everyone,
I made it to Japan, I am near downtown Tokyo now. Everything went well with the flights accept almost not getting on the first standby flight out of PDX. So I know your prayers were at work because there were several other standby people for that flight and I got the last seat. Praise God. Anyway, Today I will have orientation and then this afternoon travel up to the mountains where NORTHSTAR is located.

Last night Tyler C and I went out to dinner with Tom Sloan who is the chairman of JEMA, ( Japan Evangelical Missionary Association) the Japanese version of TEAM which I work for. We went to a Soba (Japanese buckwheat noodle) restaurant. Then we crashed out for the night.

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Welcome to Japan 世釣 (SE TSU)
    We hope you have a wonderful time in Japan and used mightly of God to show people His love.

    神様の 祝福ありますように
    義流& 英子 Gill & Eiko

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