Update, Prayer Requests, Departure

The time has finally come. The long-awaited trip to Japan is only 10
days away. I have completed the TB treatment, my visa is in hand, and
my flight is booked. The Lord has brought all the details together this
week and made it possible for me to finally book my flight. God is

Here are the details, I will be flying out the morning of Monday, Feb, 7th. Once I get to Japan I will start working with an outdoor
adventure camp called NORTHSTAR. I will have a busy schedule of local
ministry, instructing, teaching English, camps, and I am sure much
more. This is going to be an amazing adventure and I am excited to be
able to share this with you.

While I am in Japan I will be sending out emails like this to keep people
up to date on how to pray and let people know how God is working. I hope to be able to send an email every 2 weeks or os.


  • Safe travel to Japan [specifically Feb 7th]
  • Financial needs to be met
  • A good transition into a new culture
  • The hearts of Japanese people to be receptive to the Gospel
  1. Anonymous Avatar


    I am so excited for you in this time of transition!!! Have fun, enjoy every minute of it…. and know that we are praying for you!!! Thanks for taking time to stop by today!!! Take care!


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